

Electrical installation

What it is the correct size cable for my 12 volt electrical system?Featured

What it is the correct size cable for my 12 volt electrical system?

This is probably the question I get most frequently. Sooner or later, building our beloved camper van, we always get to the point of wondering about the most suitable wire size for each power line. And that’s a good sign that we are doing things right! 馃槈

Cables not properly dimensioned can lead to voltage loss, excessive heating, and high risk of fire. So let’s go into the details. I will have to put some electrical formulas but I will try to explain everything in the simplest way possible.

If you are not interested in the entire technical explanation, you may go directly to the Ultimate Wire Sizing Formula and the Practical Examples below


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Camperizaci贸n, Projects

Proyecto de Conversi贸n de Hyundai H1 4×4 a AutocaravanaFeatured

PROYECTO DE CONVERSI脫N A AUTOCARAVANA de un hyundai h1 4x4 furgon vivienda

莽En Espa帽a amamos a las furgonetas. 隆En las Islas Canarias aun mas! 馃檪 Son ideales para las familias, los profesionales que cada dia llevan equipamiento y sobre todo, son plataformas adecuadas para conversiones a furg贸n vivienda o autocaravana.

Si estas siguiendo mi blog, ya sabr谩s que me encantan las furgonetas 4×4 y en esto articulo quiero reunir toda la evoluci贸n del proyecto de conversi贸n del Hyundai H1 4×4 a furgoneta camper (homologada autocaravana). Es la version 7 plazas, 2,5 CDI, a帽o 2003, caja de cambio con reductora.

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